Copper slag is an abrasive blasting grit (by-product) made of granulated slag from metal smelting process and refining of copper in which sulphur dioxide is released. The objective of this study is to use copper slag mix as a new and innovative sustainable building material which is an alternative to conventional aggregate. Copper slag being a waste product needs to be addressed. Dumping or disposal of these in huge quantities is regarded as environmental pollution and considerable research has been undertaken on the subject worldwide. Copper slag can be utilized as fine aggregate in cement mortars, normal concrete and also as aggregates (coarse) in concrete (high strength). As fine aggregate in cement mortar, copper slag provides good interlocking leading to better volumetric and mechanical quality of different mixes. It was reported that about 50% substitution of copper slag in cement mortar increased the compressing strength highly, slightly increased the density and significantly increased the workability. But the addition of higher amount of copper slag resulted in the decrease of strength due to free H2O content increase in the mixture. Concrete mixtures using copper slag were assessed for density, compressive strength, durability, workability, tensile strength and flexural strength. The possibility of utilizing copper slag as coarse aggregate in normal and high strength concrete (HSC) was also explored which resulted in little increase in compressive strength in 28 days and moderate increase in splitting tensile strength also. So the study indicates that around 40% copper slag replacement for fine or coarse aggregate gives concrete mixture of better strength, durability and other requirements.
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